The Manly Muscle That Drives women Wild and Crazy

As a man, you were born with a muscle that drives women wild. When a woman sees a nice one she gasps in excitement. Women talk about this area of a man’s body quite a bit…but most men don’t realize it. It is almost taboo to talk about in public . No…it’s not “that” muscle. Get your mind out of the gutter!


I’m Talking About The Lower Abdominal and Hip Region


Women love the area of a man’s body where the lower abs meet the hip flexors. This forms those “V” shaped lines when a man is at a low body fat level and has good ab definition. I think women love this, because it shows that a man is in great shape. You can’t just lift weight and gain a bunch muscle to get a good “V”…you have to get to a low body fat level as well.

Crunches Aren’t Enough to Develop This Area

You probably can get a decent 6 pack from crunches, but crunches don’t do enough for the entire torso in my opinion. I prefer “planks” over any other type of ab exercise, because they involved stabilizing the entire abdominal region. Planks really help develop this area, because you have to tighten both the hip flexors and lower abs to stabilize yourself in plank position




This guys demonstrates doing planks on the ground. You can do these with your elbows on a ball or just with both elbows on the ground. Try to time yourself to work up to 2 minutes. Two minutes doesn’t seem like a lot, but believe me…it is a LOOONG two minutes.

Work Your Obliques To Create a Better “V”

Most people work their obliques by doing “side bends” with a dumbbell in one hand. Please…do Not do this exercise! When you perform a resistance exercise that involves a positive and negative movement, you have the strong possibility of increasing the size of that muscle. You don’t want to increase the size of the obliques at all! Isometric contractions are better for toning a muscle when you don’t want an increase in size (I’ll do a full post on this in the future). The best isometric exercise for the obliques is the “side plank”



Note: All you are basically doing is holding that position for as long as possible and then switching sides.

Running Seems to Define This Area Very Well

There is a bunch of different types of cardio that burns body fat, but running seems to have the greatest impact on the muscles of your torso. You see, when you run all those small muscles have to contract to stabilize the pelvis. When you are on an exercise bike, the seat stabilizes your pelvic area…there isn’t any need for those muscles to engage because everything is stable already. Running stairs or sprint intervals, seem to really tighten up the ab region very well.

Obviously You Need To Be at A Low Body Fat Level

You need to follow a proper diet and hit cardio hard to burn off that stubborn body fat. I recommend a combination of interval training and steady state cardio to burn off all of that excess fat.


Believe my with killer abs like this and sexy v-line a day at the beach will be amazing, women will swoon over you like vultures on a carcass. Men will be too scared to let their woman look at you.

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Author: thatinternetherbalist

A 22 year old graduate of law, a feminist, introvert, friendly easygoing girl, obsessed with research, I research basically everything, my dad calls me the Internet herbalist 😊, would love to share some of my research with you guys

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