Lower Cholesterol With this Tips

If you’re already eating plenty of the following foods that lower cholesterol naturally, keep up the good work!  consider adding these healthy eats to your diet today:

1. Oats
If you’re looking to lower your cholesterol, the key may be simply changing your morning meal. Switching up your breakfast to contain  oats can lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) by 5.3% in only 6 weeks. The key to this cholesterol buster is beta-glucan, a substance in oats that absorbs LDL, which your body then excretes. Banish bread and tea for breakfast and replace with oatmeal.

2. Red wine
Scientists are giving us yet another reason to drink to our health. It turns out that high-fiber Tempranillo red grapes, used to make red wine , may actually have a significant effect on lowering cholesterol levels. A study conducted found that when individuals consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine, their LDL levels decreased by 9%. In addition, those who had high cholesterol going into the study saw a 12% drop in LDL. So go ahead and drink a glass for that lowering cholesterol benefit.

Author: thatinternetherbalist

A 22 year old graduate of law, a feminist, introvert, friendly easygoing girl, obsessed with research, I research basically everything, my dad calls me the Internet herbalist 😊, would love to share some of my research with you guys

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