Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic (no. 8 is my favorite)

2. Treats Hair Loss

A head full of hair that smells like garlic could help in the treatment of hair loss. The herb’s extremely high sulfur content contains keratin, the protein hair is made of. This stimulates fortification and growth. A study  found the use of a garlic gel added to the therapeutic efficacy of topical
betamethasone valerate for alopecia areata treatment can be effective to induce hair re-growth.

3. Fights Common Cold

Garlic’s allicin can serve as a health aid during times of illness.  “Garlic cloves contain a healthy dose of allicin, but you may still need a few cloves per day to feel the effects.” However, garlic supplementation can also be used to ward off viruses.

A  study found a daily garlic supplement can reduce the number of colds by 63 percent compared to not taking supplements. Moreover, the average length of cold symptoms was also reduced to 70 percent, from five days in the control group to 1.5 days in garlic supplement group. These findings suggest the allicin-containing supplement has a protective effect against the common cold.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

A garlic supplement a day may help keep your blood pressure at bay. Its active compounds can significantly reduce blood pressure comparable to the effects of prescribed drugs. Aged garlic extract between 600 to 1,500 milligrams (mg) was found to be just as effective as the drug prescribed for hypertension.

Garlic is believed to activate the production of the endothelium-derived relaxation factor, due to the herb’s high amount of polysulfides — sulfur — containing molecules. This leads to smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), following the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the vessel wall. Garlic supplements can achieve these effects efficiently without the bad breath compared to raw garlic.

5. Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Garlic can help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering total LDL cholesterol. A study found the effect of garlic on total cholesterol level in people with elevated levels moderately reduced cholesterol levels.  this is achieved by “diminishing the activity of main cholesterol-producing enzyme in the liver.” Garlic supplements can enhance the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots that would otherwise increase the risk of heart attacks by closing the arteries.

Author: thatinternetherbalist

A 22 year old graduate of law, a feminist, introvert, friendly easygoing girl, obsessed with research, I research basically everything, my dad calls me the Internet herbalist 😊, would love to share some of my research with you guys

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