Ways to quit smoking


1.Lime, of course, is an easily accessible and non-toxic alternative to nicotine gum, and physiologically has a number of ‘side benefits,’ including alkalinizing the tissues, which are normally more acidic in tobacco users to begin with.  It is also an anti-infective agent, having been demonstrated to have significant antimicrobial activity against multiple strains of drug resistant E. coli, and inhibiting the survival of Vibrio cholera, the pathogen that contributes to cholera, in foods; another nice ‘side benefit’ considering smokers often have compromised immunity.


Part of the reason that nicotine is so addictive and so hard to get rid of is because it permeates your body as a toxin. It gets into your system and is very hard to get out. But water is a natural detoxifier. It will purge your system better than just about anything. And your body needs water to counteract many of the harmful effects of tobacco and nicotine.

The water helps you heal and it enables you recover from smoking while you are trying to quit. As you abandon your regular smoking habits your body will heal on its own and start to detoxify, but water gives it an extra boost, and it speeds up the process, helping you fight your addictions that much more.


As your try to quit smoking, you will likely start to feel nauseous. This is one of the most common symptoms people experience when they try to quit. To combat that nausea, you can take ginger, either in tablets, capsules or as a tea. It will calm your stomach and help you overcome the nausea. And it might keep you from being tempted to go back to the cigarettes for relief.

Author: thatinternetherbalist

A 22 year old graduate of law, a feminist, introvert, friendly easygoing girl, obsessed with research, I research basically everything, my dad calls me the Internet herbalist 😊, would love to share some of my research with you guys

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